Nov 29, 2024 | Jennifer Gaudette | 416 views
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Reminder to West Nipissing Minor Hockey Members
As the season is well underway the West Nipissing Board of Directors would like to remind its members
of zero tolerance, with bullying, maltreatment of teammates and team officials. Hockey Canada has zero
tolerance policy for this. We ask that members review the “Hockey Canada Maltreatment, Bullying and
Harassment Protection and Prevention Policy”
As a reminder officials have the authority to apply rule 11.2 which is as follow:
Rule 11.2 – Abusive Behavior
Abusive behavior includes targeted, persistent, or excessively profane conduct that is intended to intimidate, threaten, belittle, or demean an individual,
which is often of a personal nature, but does not rise to the level of conduct described in Rule 11.4 – Discrimination.
Note: If any behavior described in Rule 11.2 includes behavior described in Rule 11.4 – Discrimination, the individual must be penalized under Rule
11.4, in addition to any other penalties that individual might receive.
a. A Bench Minor penalty will be assessed to a team official or unidentified player from the bench who uses abusive conduct towards the
Referee or any other person.
b. No Major penalty may be assessed under this rule.
c. No Match penalty may be assessed under this rule.
d. A Misconduct penalty will be assessed to any player who uses abusive conduct towards the Referee or any other person.
e. A Game Misconduct will be assessed:
i. To any player who persists in the use of abusive conduct.
ii. To any team official who uses abusive conduct to the Referee or any person.
Note 1: A Referee is not required to assess a Bench Minor or Misconduct penalty under this rule before assessing a Game Misconduct penalty.
Note 2: Where a player or team official has been assessed a Game Misconduct penalty under this rule, the Referee will report the individual(s) by completing a
Game Incident Report, including full details, and submitting the report to the appropriate Member or League delegate.
A Gross Misconduct penalty will be assessed to any player or team official who conducts themselves in a manner as to make a travesty of the game by using
obscene, profane, or threateningly abusive language, gestures, or actions towards any person. Such actions may also be described as verbal or physical
taunts or gestures that intend to humiliate, demean, belittle, cause offense to or harm the reputation of the person or group targeted.
Our West Nipissing Minor Hockey Officials will be applying the noted Rule: 11.2 (Abusive Behavior) and
when required also apply Rule:11.4 (Maltreatment). They are there to officiate our games and to ensure
the safety of our young hockey players. We need to remember that they are human and are not required
to take abuse from players, team officials or fans. Without them we would not be able to offer a hockey
Program for our young Hockey Players. We appreciate your attention to this so that we can continue to
enjoy the rest of the hockey season.
West Nipissing Minor Hockey Board of Directors